Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Little Weather Comparison

Augsburg, 12:30: -2 degrees, clear skies
21:00: -3 degrees, clear
Richmond, 6:30: 0 degrees, clear skies
15:00: 10 degrees, mostly cloudy
Portland, 3:30: 1 degree, clear skies
12:00: 3 degrees, partly cloudy
Cologne, 12:30: 1 degree, clear skies
21:00: 1 degree, mostly cloudy
Amherst, 15:00: 2 degrees, partly cloudy

Today's high here? -2.

High in Richmond? 9. High in Portland? 7. High in Cologne? 7. High in Amherst? 2.

So we've found the cities that are weather twins, and I am still living in the coldest place in Germany. It is not cool to find out that it is 3 (Celsius) degrees warmer in the middle of the night in Portland than here in the middle of the day. This is going on my list of "reasons Kacey made smarter choices than me." (Also: "reasons to run away and live in Mary's basement.")
I've added Amherst (home of Hampshire, ye uninformed) to my big, constant weather comparison. It hit the same low as Augsburg today (-7) and should be getting snow tomorrow, when it is supposed to get all the way up to 1 here.

I bet people in Richmond aren't certain if their winter coats still fit.

A quiet day- went over to Anja's this afternoon/evening to hang out with her and Nadja and we made pralines (think Ferrero, except ours had more "character." It was messy and so much fun- when was the last time you had chocolate ALL OVER your hands? You were probably at your very first birthday party, having trouble with the concept of cake.) We of course had piles of chocolate left over, so we made Chocolate Cornies (again) and that was also rather adventurous- every leftover praline ingredient ended up in these things, so there are apparently crushed-up, sort-of-melted nuts and powdered sugar and who knows what else clinging to the outside of our cornflakes. Transport of the things to the balcony to get hard (remember today's temps? It is much more efficient than the fridge.) included half a sheet getting all crammed together into one giant Cornie, which I brought to Piff because he kept trying to make them that huge anyway. After our baking adventures, we had some Cathedral fun (Cathedral is an awesome German board game that is impossible to explain) and then spent forever trying to come up with music ideas for the video, and failed miserably.

I don't wanna get up all early for school tomorrow. Can you make it go away?

So it turns out that iTunes and my computer aren't exactly super-good friends. This is really sad. What will I do for music on the train?


Anonymous said...

Remember - you like cold weather and you want to go to school up north!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! there are two mattresses in my basement.... I'm sure it would work! Last night I watched a movie in my room with the window wide open because of the stale air issue, and I seriously thing my feet froze. why can't germany have some sort of climate control`?

KC said...

OR kari, you could look at Reed.
this place just SCREAMS your name!
i mean, we have some amazingly nerdy conversations here that make my day. . .
we have conversations about which greek guy (author or character) we would invite to our tea party, or go dancing with. . .

i won't push it (i wouldn't want to be that annoying person), but reed is DEF the type of school i could see you attending. and the admissions office here is great - they know which students would work here and which wouldn't.

do you remember hayden deck, the year below us? i talked to him about reed, too. i think he'd be a good fit, too.

wow, can you tell i love my school and want to spread the word?!

Kari said...

Mary, did you not notice the difference between Augsburg and Cologne temps? You are not in the cold. One day, you will come visit me and I will introduce you to Cold.

Does Reed have linguistics? Cognitive science? These things are important. (And I am too lazy to go look them up.)

KC said...

linguistics, yes.
cognitive science, not positive.

i'm scared to death to take science here, so i'm taking it over the summer. i know, cop-out to the max, but it's like a nightmare for science people, so i don't know how i'd survive. . .

and even if you don't go here, we have a few schools that we work with so you can go here for a semester. . . i'm not sure what schools they are but they're all really good liberal arts schools.