Monday, October 29, 2007

The Wrecking Ball

Dudes you should totally click on the photo album in the previous post and check out the brand-new pictures of the Clue kids at Hallowe'en, including yours truly. We are amazing.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ushti Baba

Hampshire Hallowe'en
Dudes it was Hampshire Hallowe'en. I have spent the morning combing the annals of Facebook to find you some pictures. Also I even uploaded some of my own. Pictures containing me are for some reason rare (and my costume was sweet so laaaame) but Scottie has the ones of the whole cast of Clue (and we are gorgeous) and will surely be uploading them soon, but she is at a ballroom competition in Boston today. Anyway, Hallowe'en was sweet and there are pictures for you to look at.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fear Is Free

Oh my goodness dudes I went to Boston over Fall Break and it was fabulous great fun. Katie took pictures!

We saw 17 (18?) sweet bands, and we danced like there was no tomorrow (when your feet will ache), and we went shopping at the Garment District (I bought the best pants in the world and a sweet dress and so much teal and purple clothing for CHAOS uniforms) and hung out with Debi and Nick (who have the best apartment ever, no lies) and had Heather's birthday dinner and Sarah broke the T and had an adventure of Doom at Brandeis, but at least I didn't have to deal with her adventure of Doom.

So basically, sweetness in Boston. Look at the pictures.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

As Promised

Birthday Party

Scottie's and Katie's pictures of the party. They fail to capture the awesome, because it did not translate well to still moments of digital happiness.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Looking Out My Window At the Night

I adore my hall more than any other hall ever. To prove the joy of living here, I present you pictures from last Friday night.


Not birthday party pictures because Katie's were all super-blurry and I am waiting for Scottie's. Should Scottie's not be much better, I will share all.