Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm Calling the Weather Contest a Draw

No, Richmond, your "winter" is still not in contest. Köln? You might as well be northern Africa for all I care- how is it 5 up there today? Portland has too many weather personalities for me to begin to understand it.
No, in competition for having the most miserable winter ever, it is a tie between Amherst and Augsburg. Amherst, you see, is currently experiencing temperatures of about -14. In Augsburg at the moment, we're looking at -1. Amherst, however, has beautiful, high snow drifts, deep enough that Hampshire got a snow day on Friday (that is pretty deep, I would imagine). Now, I'm sure you're going to tell me that -14 and -1 are in completely different leagues, and, normally you would be right. But you have never tried to walk to school in that -1 in weather that isn't so much rain or snow as the air simply turning into water and condensing and then halfway freezing on any available surface. See, when it's -14, you know what you're dealing with. Moreover, Amherst has sun today. In -1, you don't know if that shiny spot of pavement in front of you is just wet or a frozen death trap. It took me 35 minutes to walk from the train station to school this morning. Cobblestones are particularly nasty in this weather. And you think there's sun today? Nope, just gray. Everything is gray. Sky, houses, grass, trees, snow, whatever. It is all gray. I clearly did not pick a bright enough sweater this morning to cheer myself up.
I did, however, get bright green envelopes in the mail full of pictures! No, you did not send them to me. I sent them to myself, but some of them may have been stolen from e-mails you sent me with pictures, or places where you put pictures on the Internets or other such things!
No Sozi today, so I got home early. Didn't quite succeed in the goal of being home sooner than Piff, but being home at 1:20 is still really nice.
School is actually rather boring when there's no Sozi on a Tuesday. . . no classes full of people like Noiby making silly comments. There were certainly funny Friedl moments, but I don't remember them.
Nadja came over! We spent a very long time talking about TUMC (yes, you are all famous now) for an article for the church newsletter. . . they are going to be so overwhelmed by our crazy long list of activities. . . and there will be pictures! Nadja and I also watched the church video as it stands and Nadja decided "boys are doof" (I find this so funny for reasons I can't begin to explain) and now I'm all giggly in that really annoying girly way, so be glad you don't have to live with me.


KC said...

hahha i like that comment about portland, because it's so so SO true. it actually got to a point after three straight weeks of cloudy skies and rain that i got mad that the sun came out. (it makes walking to class much harder).

even though our weather is weird and we have overcast skies a lot, it still feels SO MUCH cleaner than richmond. . .and our grass gets green in the winter, so we have these beautiful winter days with blue, blue skies and green, green grass. and then i say to myself, 'it's great to be in portland!'

Anonymous said...

It was cold. and gry.where is the sun?

Kari said...

Kacey, I don't want to hear about your amazing green winter.

Fog is pretty, too. You'd be surprised how many shades of gray exist.

Anonymous said...

doof doof doof
Ohne dich ist alles doof.
Baum = doof
Blumen= doof
Kissen= doof

KC said...

haha it's okay because today is not one of those blue skies days. and i can tell you that because i'm looking out the window of the library instead of reading over my hum exam for the 8th time.

in fact, i've been done for so long that now the only reason i'm still here is that i feel guilty that i'm done.

it's okay though, because it will take me an hour to find my way out of the library. stupid thing.

and actually, i like fog. we had some yesterday and it makes me so happy. so if you'd like, we can change weather patterns every few weeks.

Kari said...

Did you ever think that complaining about my weather gives me the twinkle, as you call it?

Fog is pretty, too, but it is prettier when it has green grass instead of gray frost-covered grass. Thursday I will be telling you about how I live in the most beautiful place in the world again after a sunrise out the train window.

Mary, you make me smile. I love that sheep.