Saturday, July 05, 2008

This Year, I Like the 4th of July

Kate Beaton is a Canadian, but she understands being an American pretty well. The only way you know that she's not really American is because she forgot to blow something up. Blowing things up is the most important part of our holidays, even George Washington loves it.

I got an awesome awesome fireworks show yesterday, at the Sarah-and-Megen house (Katie was in Longmeadow chillin' with her high school peeps), because her previously unknown neighbors apparently went out of state and bought about 4 giant crates of the best fireworks in a can known to man. UMass's fireworks show (also completely visible from the house) paled so much in comparison, especially when a big cloud decided to censor half the finale. We also got a few signs of a show toward the south- maybe Hadley's show? After UMass finished, the neighbors kept lighting their fireworks, and someone way across the field did too, except they only had sad little Roman candles and the like, and not the crazy awesome amazing fireworks that were like 50 feet from the deck on which we stood. The danger makes the fireworks better.

Did you see fireworks? Were they nearly as exciting?