Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh, Lay Off

I've been busy drawing pictures all week, so the blog didn't happen. I have to keep them sort of secret for game-related reasons, but if you're curious, drop me a line and I'll hook you up, because they are awesome, and I think you would forgive me for not blogging when you see them.

German: The Sandman is a pretty interesting book, as it happens, and I learned this from it: "getting caught up in self-analysis only leads to egomania and ultimate self-destruction. Analyzing the world around you leads to self-understanding and altruism."
English: We spent 20 minutes discussing how to translate one sentence. In the entire double block, we made it through two paragraphs. I wanted to cry. I've noticed that my English teacher completely abuses the term "borderline case-" can someone tell me what it really means again? Also, can I tell him that "relo" is not a real word?
Biology: I got ausgefragt, meaning I had to explain last class's lesson. I don't know plants inside and out like genetics, but I did okay. Photosynthesis is insane.
The Wigu book came out! I got super-excited and ordered a signed and numbered special addition!

It was Pi Day and I forgot. It was also my host mom's birthday! Cake! Cake and card games! (I won at cards, and Basti and Piff were completely convinced that I cheated. I DID NOT.)
German: I was the only person in my class who knew who left Sodom and Gomorrha. And these people have religion class at school their whole school career! Crazy Catholics.
Free period: Viktor really loves his Chuck Norris jokes. Really.
Math: We started doing prob and stat instead of calculus, which makes me happy because I understand things. So much for new high scores in puzzle frenzy.
History: Herr Schäfer: What results when a society follows the Calvinist ideas? Strobel: Boredom. Also, we referenced Who Wants to be Millionaire (Wer Wird Millionär) from the previous night, and I had totally watched it and totally knew the capital of Wales.
Sozi: Brand new books about sociology! We started by examining the table of contents, which was pretty strange. I have never really looked at the table of contents of a textbook before. Student: Herr Lang, there are 2 ls missing from that word. HL: It's just a little abbreviation, is all.
It was super-sunshiney and I felt like spring, so I was in a great mood.

I woke up to the coldest morning I can remember. It was -9 outside, and my room was somehow totally frozen. Not pleasant.
Wednesday is the day I'm super-sleepy, so I don't have any interesting recollections of Reli, Bio, or History, other than trying not to fall asleep.
Art: Jakob: I don't know what I should paint. Zimmie: Paint me! Jakob: I want to paint something that looks good.
German: The Sandman is certainly among the worst movies ever. I know why I slept through the first half now.
Math: We spent most of class talking about Kursessen, a great German tradition where you go out for dinner with your class.
English: Boring. Herr Künz: Start wherever you'd like. . .perhaps with the doughnut? Annette: I think I'll start with the doughnut.
I finished knitting my poncho. It is pretty, Adam is already bugging me for pictures, we shall see.

Sozi: Student: Herr Lang, did you have long hair when you were in college? HL: No, it was actually shorter than now. Student: Ha-ha, you were a skinhead!
English: We discussed walking off a cliff. Translation makes me want to do this.
Free period: Andre continues to think my calculator is a GameBoy, which is funny. Andre also found a random French dictionary and tried to see if Strobel could guess the meaning. Of course, this quickly fell apart when Andre realized that he does not, in fact, know French, and the dictionary was French-French. There were still Chuck Norris jokes.
History: We've realized that Stief is suddenly some sort of History genius. It's crazy. Herr Schäfer was trying to tell us where something in Augsburg was, and was getting blank looks. "Alright, you know where Königsplatz is? Okay, so the McDonald's on Königsplatz?" Class: OOOOOOOH! Also: Herr Schäfer: "Jakob, when did it happen?" Jakob: 1840. HS: Cloooose. . . Patrick [Stief]? S: 1803. [No typos there, I promise.]

I threw some pictures from the blizzard up on Butterfly Paper. I don't remember what order they go in because they're over a week old, but there are views from windows other than my own! That should make you happy!

Richmond-Area Kids and Kiddoes: I've heard that Y101 has already picked up OK Go's Latest Single, "Oh Lately It's So Quiet!" Now, I'm not a huge fan of Richmond-area radio, but this song is great and if you want to call them up (345-Y101) and make a request, and also listen for this song because it's good stuff, that would be cool! Mostly, what I am saying is that I like OK Go and if you listen to Y101 you might hear their music.

1 comment:

KC said...

i went out of town this weekend and stayed with my friend molly's family.

the dance was performed at least 3 times because her family is obsessed with it! we're so close to done! we're at the point of learning the matrix part!!