Saturday, January 07, 2006

Obligatory Geek Post

Man, Google Pack.

With its super-convenience, I've finally gotten myself hooked up with Firefox (yes, I know I am the last person in the world to do this) and I have spent my day discovering many new toys for it.

I'm now, too, if that tells you anything (social bookmarks, man! When did I get so behind the times?). . . and I am going to break this off to continue to try to kill my computer with Firefox hacks and extensions (open-source is still my favoritest thing ever). I want to have way more toys than I could ever use.

My example of why my life is better now:
So I'm reading Mary's Blog, and she of course has this picture that is like 59 billion pixels wide, meaning that reading anything means side scrolling and side scrolling and side scrolling (which, by the way, makes Baby Jesus cry). Normally, I would sit there, scrolling, thinking "I am going to kill you for this, Mary." But then (then!) I remembered that I am in Firefox, and that I have just added this great little picture zoom option. I right-clicked on her picture, shrunk it to 10%, and proceeded to read without needing to side-scroll AT ALL.
I was so happy. So happy that I used the magic of tabs to come right back to my blog and post this. Man, tabs. (I have a BlogThis button in my Google Toolbar, too, but I don't like multiple posts in a single day, so that will have to wait until later.)

I have Live Bookmarks! Travis, would it kill you to stick a feed on your photo site?

(I promise school starts Monday, and we will return to your regularly scheduled "Germans Say the Darndest Things")


KC said...

hahha don't worry, i refuse to give into firefox because i like safari on my mac so much better. this guy at school has put firefox on both of my computers and i get so mad when it opens as my default browser, but that could be because i prefer something apple to anything else. . .

Kari said...

Oh, Safari is probably still better, but as long as I'm stuck in Windows, I might as well make the most of it. I think my poor, old, 32 mb RAM, 348 MHz processor computer has a very different idea of "most" than I do, though.

Anonymous said...

the quickest way to get the picture up was that way. im still in the internet club. so yeah. im behind the times. pity me. its not like i put that much on there to read anyways..... because what can i say? my other host mom reads it... how should i refer to her? i know that you just call yours by their last names..... its so weird. CIee wrote my parents and told them i was switching... wouldnt it be weird if i hadnt told them? they would have been incredibly angry for not talk ing to them. i fail to see the point in some protocol we are forced to do. it really doesnt make sence.

Anonymous said...

you want to go to brighton to watch a beard competition?????? im sorry.... thats boring.

Kari said...

Mary, would you call me already? I know you are super-busy (really, I know), but I am so bored tonight and I don't have your number. . . .