Monday, January 30, 2006

My Mom Wins At Life

I'll tell you why later. My emotions have been all over the past few days, but I am settled back at a high. Prayer is a good thing.

So I got up this morning and thought "the house seems quieter than normal." As it turns out, Basti had the day off, Philipp had the day off (of course, because he was still home- he's gone back tonight), and Piff had first and second free. I was very, very jealous because it's not like I've had a decent night's sleep in a week, and I have a cold, but I went to school like a good girl.

In German, Herr Friedl maybe made up a word that I believe should be a part of the English language, and every other language (he used it in German). Maybe it is already a word and I didn't know? He wanted to ask two people, and so sent Viktor out with the phrase "Would you like to go for a little ambulatorium?" Ambulatorium is now on my list of favorite words.

There was a pop quiz in English that I didn't take because I wasn't there last week and thus had no hope of knowing what it was about. I did, however, get the chance to explain that having places open 24 hours a day, or at least later than 6, is pretty nice and does not lead to societal collapse. Herr Kütz wishfully commented "Maybe, one day, stores in Germany will stay open until 8 pm."
Later, Sebi started tearing up the piece of paper that the pop quiz had been on. Herr Kütz won himself the Irony Award of the Day when he said the following: "Are you using my quiz paper for cigarettes? Okay, just don't use the part with the ink on you- I don't want you getting cancer or anything from it."

I love my Reli class. We got into a long, wonderful conversation about Christian Communism, and Reli is just in general doing a great job of filling the hole left by Sunday School and Raise the Roof. We are going bowling together tomorrow!

Bio is pretty interesting for me, but does not produce fun stories. Sorry.

Experiment called me tonight and gave me some nasty news, but then my host family and my mom made it all better because they are amazing. I'll let you know what's up as I get more details in the coming days- I promise I am just fine (better than fine) and things will be great. I'm just not 100% sure which way things are going at the moment, and I don't want to confuse you by telling you multiple things.

I made lots of notes for completing my giant Köln post (German was boring, and I had a free period and lunch break), I am just waiting for PEOPLE to get pictures sent to me so I can do all this at once. You have not heard any of the awesome stories yet. Unless, of course, you were there. I really wish people hadn't made Dustin's wristers stink like girl- I am wearing them now to keep my fingers warm, but they still smell so strongly that is irritates my nose and makes me sneeze even more.

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