Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It Turned Into a Ballroom Blitz

It snowed again today, pretty much the whole day. Stayed pretty warm, though, so it didn't pile deeper than 4 or 5 centimeters. I was really hoping we'd be in the part of Germany with 20- I want to have that much snow, just once.

The snow got me thinking, somehow, this morning how awesome it would be to have a Segway that could handle snowy sidewalks. I would so ride one of those to school. I mean, a bike would be great, too, but, man, a Segway. That would just be awesome.

Did you know that Germans sometimes use English phrases the way we use French or Latin? Actually, they do this a lot. I was reminded of this and mildly freaked out when my German teacher said "happy end" as easily as an American English teacher would say "denoument." So weird.

Free period was just me and Robert and David and Viktor, and the boys got into this fascinating discussion of string theory and other dimensions and such fascinating things, making it pretty impossible for me to concentrate on reading for Sozi. Also, I tried to explain the word dismay and failed (I am wearing my Robotania shirt), and Macguyver got brought up at some point and I was very happy that Germans know him. People came back from McDonald's at the end of the free period, and they had balloons! Balloons are great.

In math, I thought about how much I miss TI-83s. They don't have any here, no graphing calculators at all, and I really wish I had one to whip out and impress the Germans with.

I have a whole lot of Sozi homework. I downloaded some new Iron and Wine music, a compilation album with a band named Calexico (I have not heard of them before). It is good stuff, as Iron and Wine always is.


KC said...

there's a prof on campus with a segway and i always watch with envy as he maneuvers the sidewalks and bridge with such ease. . .

Anonymous said...

you could come get mine! the batteries are low, but you can use my TI whenever! just.. how to get it dir....

Anonymous said...

YOu have to check out my site! great photos.