Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ukrop's Has Developed Amazing Taste. . .

In music! The last few times I've been there, it's been 80's extravanganza, which makes me very happy indeed. Today's Ukrop's playlist during my visit: "St Elmo's Fire" by John Parr, then SoHo's "Whisper to a Scream" then Pet Shop Boys' "It's a Sin" then some song I didn't quite recognize that had something to do with love.

If I could get the Ukrop's radio station to play in my house, life would be so grand.

Gender: 72% male.

1 comment:

Kari said...

And now the pop of the 80s is getting me through my own anti-pop/Top 40 sabbatical. . .

Except the top 40 these days seems to love something called "punk pop," so maybe things are different.