Friday, September 29, 2006

Pastures New

Oh dear I have been busy recently and not been updating. Ummm what have I been up to? Going to class, reading until my eyeballs explode and my larynx falls out, writing essays. I had a birthday in there and got awesome presents like an Oscar Wilde action figure and a Yiddish mug and I have all sorts of exciting pictures on my door now because Jack and Katie got crafty. And there was Mexican food and ice cream cake and a crazy German horror movie called Kondom des Grauens. And also the storytelling festival, which was amazing! I told to open it up, since I had a good opening story, and the other featured tellers were really great, and the open mic bit was so successful and there were so many talented people there with great stories and we definitely want to do this again. Spent this past weekend doing a lot of running around- had to go to Smith on Sunday to do research for WWWII, and holed ourselves up in the library for hours and hours to look at old magazines. Old magazines are actually awesome, but making photocopies is really expensive, and we had to miss the QCA meeting, which made us sad. I was kind of lazy on Monday, when I should have been doing homework, but I couldn't focus. I did manage to get Spanish homework done before Spanish class, which is worth something. And it was the Queer Safer Sex (Not Just For Queers) workshop, which included silly signs and a fashion show and crafttime and was great fun. Tuesday was a day for getting some homework done, because I realized that I had way more Yiddish homework than expected. Fortunately, I like Yiddish a lot. Wednesday was Advising Day and we weren't supposed to have classes, but we did have WWWII cause we took a different day off some other time. But no one else had to get up in the morning and Dulcey wanted to be social so we watched Fargo until 2 in the morning which meant Kari was sleepy when she had to get up early. But I got to spend my whole afternoon doing Yiddish homework, and trying to stay awake. And last night was Drag Wars! At Diva's!! Jack and Katie and I got ourselves all pretty as drag kings and queen and set off on a great adventure that involved waiting for a bus and then having a nice girl named Kate give us a ride instead of taking the bus and then discovering that Diva's opens later and going to the bowling alley where Jack was terrified of straight people even though we explained that this is Massachusetts and then realizing that Katie forgot her ID and Madelaine being really nice and coming to pick us up and run us back to get Katie's ID and then back to Diva's and then going in and discovering that almost no one was there and feeling awkward and waiting forever and Hampshire people showing up 5 minutes before the last bus would leave and then discovering that someone could give us a ride and then dancing and dancing and dancing and then drag performances by many pretty pretty kings and queens and then Rance won and we were so proud and then Jack got stabbed in the foot by a stiletto and then it was time to leave and some guy named Jeff who was supposed to be giving us and others a ride left early and gave no one a ride and then some other nice person said she'd ride back to Hampshire and grab a car and come back to get us and so she did but Jack and Katie and I got to chill outside Diva's for a while and feel silly but then we got back and made hot cocoa and had a foot massage session and were semi-insomniacs but I fell asleep at 4, my Yiddish homework not quite done. Will (my professor Will) called me at 10 this morning, and woke me up. I was so asleep that I wasn't sure which phone was ringing or where it was. Once I was up, I settled in to finish my Yiddish homework, and then Katie called and it was lunchtime, and I took my homework to lunch and finished it while gulping down chili and pizza and chocolate pudding (they finally had pudding again) and off to Yiddish, where I was barely awake but made it through (good thing Peretz is really really interesting) and then Katie and Jack and I went off to Northhampton to buy bus tickets because we have decided to go to Boston this weekend because Monday is Yom Kippur and we have no classes, which for me translates to exactly what fall break is, except that's next week. We came back for dinner, and then I spent some time transcribing phonetically Katie reading a thing from the Advocate, and then we woke Jack up (he was taking a nap) and started an essay-writing party. Towards the beginning of the party, Phil dropped by and promised us milkshakes one day, and we whined about the terrible bass-playing people in our lounge, and Phil said he can't do much more and we were sad. But then came hours of working on our essays. I finished mine about an hour ago, Katie just finished hers, Jack is working on his now. We've called Public Safety twice about the bass down the hall cause we're just so sick of it. The fact that we had to make the second call makes us wish Hampshire would be a bit better about taking disciplinary action. I am very sleepy but there are people and papers and computers in my bed. One of these days I will sleep, I swear.

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