Friday, April 07, 2006

Sorry Guys

I spazzed on updates this week because I've been terribly busy.

Hopefully I'll fill you in tomorrow.

I'm starting to put new-old pictures on the Butterfly Paper- they date back as far as November and are in no particular order, so ask if you want to know what is going on. How do you get in touch with me, you wonder? Simple. You can hit the button that says comments at the bottom of this very post, or any other post for that matter. Even on Butterfly Paper. If comments that the rest of the Web can see are scary, no problem. Send me an e-mail at and I will reply in a timely manner. E-mail too slow for you? I am available on MSN (aka Windows Messenger) (username and on Google Talk and Gmail Chat via my Gmail address. If you aren't familiar with these programs, type them into your favorite search engine (you know mine), and I am certain you will find all the information you need to know.

I am more than happy to explain my pictures to you and to talk to you about the weather and other pleasantries. If I ever have some time at home again, that is.

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