Friday, February 09, 2007

I Know You Miss Me

But I'm busy. I shall crunch my schedule from this week for you, and maybe you'll understand.

Monday, 5 Feb:
8:12- roll out of bed, pull on clothing
8:25- meet Katie, walk to RCC (halfway across campus)
10:00- buy breakfast (instant oatmeal) at Bridge
10:15- run back to room, change clothes, grab stuff for class
10:22- hurry all the way across campus to EDH
10:30- Collaboration and Problem Solving (theater design) class
11:54- out of class, walk all the way across campus to SAGA for lunch
12:45ish- return to room, review homework for probability, relax
2:20- leave room, walk halfway across campus to Cole Science
2:23- arrive at class early to snag good seat
2:30- Probability
3:50- Class ends punctually, walk other half of campus to EDH
4:05- Mapping Jewish American Generations starts late
5:28- Mapping Jewish American Generations ends late, hurry across campus to SAGA for dinner in biting cold
6:20- return to room, grab stuff for Yiddish, walk short distance to FPH
6:30- Yiddish
7:58- truncated class ends due to only Debi, Nick and I being there
8:50- walk halfway across campus to Bridge
9:00- meeting about New Orleans trip (spring break, to gut houses and such), adjourned with conclusion that another meeting is needed
10:00- retire to Jack's room, eat pie, do crossword
11:00- Fake News
12:00- return to room, e-mail
12:20- sleep
Tuesday, 6 Feb:
9:04- awakened by phone call from Katie, who has to go to UMass to have her (infected) eye examined
9:43- shower, dress, prepare for class
10:23- hop, skip, jump to ASH
10:30- Child Language
11:59- return to room, wait for phone call update from Katie
1:17- Katie returns from Ordeal
1:22- go to lunch
2:05- walk to library, pick up movie for Jew screening, get crossword puzzle
2:31- read play for theater, crossword, do nothing of intense consequence
6:00- dinner
6:40- relax
6:55- walk to FPH bearing video
7:00- fiddle with projector
7:05- professor talks about television
7:08- begin movie
8:46- movie concludes, fiddle with projector, return to room
8:48- relax, e-mail
9:30- hall meeting
9:40- decide to go to Katie's room
9:45- write paper for Jew class
10:20- hang out
11:00- Fake News
12:11- sleep
Wednesday, 7 Feb
8:28- rise and shine, throw on clothing, walk halfway across campus to Aaron's office
8:55- talk to Aaron's secretary, realize that I missed a voicemail saying that he cannot meet with me this morning but would noon be okay, smile pleasantly
9:00- silent scream to empty campus in frozen air
9:09- sit in room, try to make oatmeal via kettle, fail once again
9:51- shower
10:18- walk all the way across campus to EDH
10:30- Collaboration and Problem Solving
11:40- become Sound Designer for class play
12:05- arrive at Aaron's office
12:08- Aaron arrives at Aaron's office, meeting ensues
12:30- leave Aaron's office, call Katie, lunch
1:56- return to room, breathe, print paper for Jew class, let Dulcey use printer
2:12- leave room, walk to library
2:15- post office
2:18- return movie
2:21- arrive at probability, snag good seat
2:30- Probability
3:50- Probability ends punctually, walk to Bridge, buy apple schorle, walk to EDH
4:00- Mapping Jewish American generations
5:22- Jew class ends slightly more punctually, walk across campus to dorm
5:30- SAGA, dinner
6:15- Katie's room, try to squeeze in an episode of Top Design on internet
7:25- walk to FPH
7:30- panel on Iraq war by 3 professors from the 5 colleges
8:15- panelists open to questions of varying skill and interest
9:20- panel ends, walk to library
9:25- arrive at meeting early, snag mediocre seats
9:30- meeting about New Orleans makes a few decisions but not many
9:59- library about to close, meeting adjourns, hurry back to Dakin
10:03- find lounge, begin search for Bravo
10:07- discover that many channels have been deleted from flipping on tv, fix, find Bravo (channel 57)
10:08- watch Top Design, feel complete
11:00- Fake News
12:05- collapse, sleep or something like it
Thursday, 8 Feb
9:56- awaken to alarm for first time in days
10:01- shower
10:23- walk to ASH
10:30- Child Language, look at pictures of babies
11:50- walk to SAGA, eat lunch
12:50- return to room
12:54- leave room, walk to Yiddish Book Center
12:59- meet with Nora
1:02- meet Aaron, confirm that I am working for 4 different departments at the same time (somehow)
1:09- meet with Randi, begin training
1:20- begin entering visitor book information into computer
2:30- move from Randi's computer to work-study computer
5:07- receive "where are you" text from Katie
5:13- leave work
5:17- return to room, gather laundry
5:24- begin laundry
5:53- go to SAGA, eat dinner
6:30- return to laundry room
7:59- complete laundry, run upstairs
8:02- commence cookie party with My Name Is Earl
8:30- The Office
8:55- get final load out of dryer
9:00- Scrubs
9:30- 30 Rock
10:00- Anderson Cooper 360 Mourns Anna Nicole Smith
10:30- The Sarah Silverman Show
11:00- Fake News
12:03- return to room, make bed
12:20- commence blogging
1:05- finally sleep


Lauren O said...

Over here at Stanford, RCC means "Resident Computer Coordinator"...or something like that...

Are you Jewish or are you like me? (I'm in intermediate Hebrew for no apparent reason.)

Kari said...

RCC is the Robert Crown Center, i.e. our gym. Which gets used for things like kayaking and yoga and circus and karate waaay more than for normal gym things.

And I'm not Jewish at all, but I've somehow gotten all wrapped up in Jewish studies and Yiddish. The nice thing about letting Judaism determine my social and academic life? The sabbath=Saturdays are always nice and free and relaxing.

Lauren O said...

Oh my gosh yes, I was in Beginning Hebrew last year, and beginning language classes are always 5 days a week...but not for Hebrew. We did 4 days a week because the weekend is Friday and Saturday rather than Saturday and Sunday. And Jewish holidays off!