Friday, May 27, 2005


I've been reading more blogs recently- normally I avoid all but Joey's- and I've realized that most people tend to like writing their political/moral/social/pop culture/etc opinions out for other people to read on the Inter Nets. I've also realized that I prefer to speak them to the thin air of my empty room, provided no one is around to overhear them.

The concept of my best ideas (okay, probably not my best) disappearing into nothing struck me as really beautiful. If I were more inclined to writing about what I think, I'd develop that thought. Instead, I leave it as it is, one that won't disappear.

My last blog, containing more than a few posts about "important" issues (but by no means anything too close to my heart) died when the server decided to start charging for its services and refused to even let anyone recover old posts for free. Back then, it was annoying. Now, it only seems right.

I've saved every paper journal I've ever written. I go back and read them with some regularity. I'd never show them to another living soul. Maybe.

This is irony, right? Am I a hipster?

Gender: 50.6% male

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