Sunday, May 06, 2007

A Strange Education

Sometimes I really really love my friends. Today represents some of the best as Saturdays go, and yesterday was definitely the cutest day I've ever known, so life is good.

Let's see... woke up early Friday morning to stare at the sunshine and eat breakfast for the first time in weeks, nay months, and then I went to my very very last theater design class. Where we cuddled on the couch, as has become our habit. Those of you who have known me for a while (I'm looking at you, TUMC) know that I am always a fan of 5 or 6 or more people on a couch, so having a class in a room with 2 couches and 11 people is one of the main reasons I love my school. Class ends at 11:50, and it was close to 1 by the time the last of us left the room, such was our cuddling. We ate some lunch and then me and Emma and Rachel went to sit under a dogwood tree and tell each other stories and enjoy the sunshine and warmth and flower petals. It feels so good to sit under a tree in the sun, especially after such a long winter.
I had my very very last probability class at 2:30, and we had pizza and giant cookies with special messages on them, and Kelly came back for the first time since he broke his hip, which made us all so happy. I adore the math department at this school- Ken and Kelly are such funny guys and so full of stories and so passionate and I want to talk about numbers with them forever. I wish I felt this way about the linguistics department. I mean, the linguistics profs are nice enough people, but I don't feel like I really connect with them, or particularly want to connect with them, and they certainly aren't offering any classes that I am remotely interested in. Forget the whining, though, this is about how life is amazing and I adore my friends. I colored pretty pictures in math class because Shannon and Brad were good at figuring out how to make 2 congruent figures out of a single non-symmetrical shape via 1 curve, or at least good at copying from other people, and so I could copy from them and then color the shapes all pretty. Brad had glitter glue in his mohawk, which is pretty much the best thing ever, except that it was this weird "cut out appropriation" day where there was some protest about how appropriating hairstyles like mohawks and dreads is racist, except I think there was also some event going on where you could get a free mohawk? I don't really understand it, nor am I sure how to think about it (I mean, on one hand, I don't want to be insensitive to other cultures, but, on the other hand, it's just a hairstyle)... Noah got himself one of the free 'hawks, and I haven't actually seen it spiked up yet, but I hear that it's pretty exciting. After math, there was some more relaxing and some dinner and Katie and I finally caught up on Ugly Betty (we were 4 weeks behind) and went to the last improv show of the semester (and 4 of the Sluts are leaving, which is so sad) and it was as hilarious as always, and then came more Ugly Betty and the Office and it was a nice night.

But today. Oh my goodness. We had a huge long list of things we wanted to do, and managed about half of them. Katie had to work til 1, and we don't start early anyway, so Sarah and I decided to meet up at Pirates of Penzance and work things out. So, first things first: Pirates of Penzance. Hampshire Musical Theater Collective, you make me a happy girl. Please never stop doing musicals because you are amazing. It was hilarious and wonderful and pirates are great and musicals are great and there are some talented people at this school. From Pirates, Sarah-Megen-Katie-Joanna-me walked back toward the Jew House (running into Emma on the way and promising her a hair dye party that did not happen tonight) and found Sarah's debit card (Katie found it) and Noah and Gideon appeared and we headed off to Amherst, where there was a random book sale going on, and the local comic book shop was not doing Free Comic Book Day (disappointing) and I found out that a "yaaaay" is worth 1/4 of a hug and Judie's had a really long wait so we went to the Amherst Brewing Company for dinner and they sat us immediately. I don't think our seating arrangement was socially optimal, but I guess it worked out okay. I had some pretty good Wurst, though I'm not sure I like ale-roasting or -frying or whatever they did. I like Wurst and Bier, but not necessarily Wurst that taste like Bier. But they were satisfying, and I think everyone had really delicious food, so we were quite happy as we headed off toward the mall for laser tag. It was the 7 of us (although Noah was magically replaced by Gideon's girlfriend) and these 4 random kids who clearly play a lot of laser tag, and it was mostly 2 random kids + 3 or 4 of us on a team, then we went girls v. boys in the final game- i.e. the 4 random kids and Gideon v. the rest of us. The boys beat us like 61 to 30 (the other games were like 40-20, 22-23, and 27-33 or something), but it was SO much fun and we decided that we should buy home laser tag sets and play on campus. So off to Target, where we quickly realized that laser tag sets cost like $30 for 2 guns and a vest, and so we abandoned the idea. Instead, we bought movie snacks and went to the theater to catch Spiderman 3. It was the most wonderfully emo action movie ever, and it made me very happy, although the people sitting behind us made me happier. They laughed at all the right things (like Peter Parker sobbing) and made amazing comments and I want to hang out with them every day. Unfortunately, we did not meet them, but I hope they liked us, too, because Joanna made some nice comments and we were laughing too and I want to be one of the cool kids. The movie lasted forever, as we realized when we got out and it was 12:50 (the movie started at 10:15), so we blasted Disney songs on the ride home and I am waiting for the sugar buzz of my candy to wear off so I can sleep.
Why does the semester have to be ending? Why do we all have to go away for summer?

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