Monday, September 17, 2007

Fresh as the Bright Blue Sky

Weekends are awesome, especially holiday weekends. They start on Thursday nights, which, for now, is only Tim Gunn, but will soon be full-blown Cookie Party, then wind into yoga cla,ss (which is so much more intense now but that's good) and through a lazy lunch and a free afternoon (thanks to Rosh Hoshana) and into a rainy Saturday morning spent in bed, dinner at Judie's, and a busy Sunday at the Big E, followed by a cocktail-dress-wearing, cheese-and-grape-juice-consuming party for the Emmys, even if I left them halfway through to finish my homework. And my homework is fascinating reading, so it's not like I can complain that much. Matter of fact, I should go to class now, one of my three classes that are all really about the same thing, which pleases me.

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