Thursday, December 15, 2005

You Don't Deserve a Blog Today

Not at all.

My CD drive doesn't work again. This means that it is now even days that it works and odd days that it does not. Shame, because I have much more free time today than tomorrow. Fortunately, there is enough Garbage on my iPod that I should be able to survive and not give all my money to iTunes. (Did you know that I signed up for US iTunes instead of Germany? This is not just because I have a US credit card, but also because it is cheaper to pay 99 cents American than 99 cents European. See how smart I am?)

All 3 of my classes today took place (fand statt), with Sozi being the only one interesting enough to post about, mainly due to Noiby being totally On today.
Herr Lang: So what's unusual about this page?
Noiby and Zimmy don't miss a beat: It's yellow.
HL: Falsch.

Herr Lang: Michael, he's too far away. You should only be talking to Daniel at the farthest.
This is funny because Noiby (real name Michael, I have now ruined everything by sharing this secret) sits in the very back row. Chubie (real name Daniel, I just mess everything up today) sits in the very front row. He of course turned around immediately to see about having a conversation with Noiby.
HL: No! Not Daniel! I meant Max! (Max sits beside Noiby.)

I am really not in the mood to share funny stories with you. I feel that these two have ruined everything. I wish I could write something poignant and implausible instead.

maybe tomorrow i'll want to settle down

So far, I have 146 songs in iTunes.
First Song Alpha: 1000 Words (Josh Woodward)
Last Song Alpha: You and Me and the Moon (The Magnetic Fields)
Shortest Song: Hooker Pumps (Donut Disturb)
Longest Song: Other Places I Have Lived (Thanalogue)
First song that comes up on Shuffle: Lushington Hall (Soda Stream)


Anonymous said...

wow... I wish that I could buy plane tickets that way...

Anonymous said...

what about meiu meiu?

Kari said...

Miau Miau is on there, of course. I was just giving you a very brief idea.

For the millions of you not in the club, Mary and I are talking about Stereo Total's "Miau Miau." It is a song in German about a wild cat who only shows up at the singer's door when it wants some milk, and the singer's frustration with the situation. Stereo Total is a French band, leading to Fun with Accents.