Chemistry was actually very boring because we were all OMGBIOTESTAAH, but Frau Collin was wearing a very strange black vest with fake fur trim. . . .
And then the Bio test happened, and it was totally easy. 3 pages for 9 questions because he left space for answering them- so basically the shortest test I've ever seen, although it took me the whole 45-minute class due to German. . . I know I got it all right, though, so as long as he doesn't go all crazy on my grammar (assuming he can understand the German I wrote), this will be a Good Grade, and I'm proud of myself.
Math test Tuesday, and math today proved to me that I have no hope there. I am going to show up, look at the math problems and try to do something, but it is bound to be terrible and may end up being pictures of bunnies instead of math.
German! Oh, man, German class! Today was Herr Friedl's 60th birthday, so someone wrote "Happy Birthday" on the board and then Viktor drew a nice little Weißbier to go with it, and we spontaneously broke out singing the birthday song (the English one) when Herr Friedl walked in. . . it was great.
Friedl: The beer's a nice touch there.
Noiby came by to drop a key off for Berni and deliver some other message and then tried to go and Friedl was all "You're forgetting something," and finally Noiby remembered that it was Friedl's birthday and congratulated him and it was quite funny, but you have to know Noiby and Friedl to get it.
Friedl then told us about the teacher's lounge birthday celebration.
HF: I had a glass or two of Sekt.
Student: You're allowed to do that at school?
HF: Nobody smoked!
Now, I sit in the front row, and Friedl had the familiar, oddly comforting smell of alcohol on his breath, and I'd say it was beer, so I think he edited his story a bit for us. Only in Germany, my friends.
Later, someone asked the in-a-particulary-good-mood Friedl what kind of test we'd be taking when it comes in January. Friedl's reply? "A German test."
Also, Friedl and I discussed Monticello for a while, just because.
I feel mildly guilty about not really telling you about much yesterday. . . I had adventures trying to get myself registered with this crazy city of Augsburg- turns out you need an appointment for that sort of thing, so I get to go in at 7 on Wednesday morning. Bureaucracy. I also got my month card for the train so I don't have to keep giving them €7.50 a day- seriously, I spent €37.50 getting to and from school in one week. Crazy!
We also played a random board game last night because Anja decided to randomly visit (not only that, but she ended up sleeping here because she didn't feel like dealing with the streetcar to get home). . . some sort of Game of the Year involving the building of towers and putting knights on the towers and some such thing. . . I was greatly confused for about 2/3 of it, although I still managed to do better than Christoph, who had some sort of complex strategy (or at least acted as if he did), and still lost. German board games are crazy, though- they seem to always involve building something complex and scoring based on what you built or something. . . fun, but crazy.
Guess What! Pictures!

Manu rehearsing his role as Augustus, full of emotion.

Snow. Train tracks. Must be Germany.

I'm not sure the Sacred Rules of Foosball allow three people on a team, but Vivi, Anja, and Nadja did it anyway. I don't remember if they won or not.

Christoph. Little Tennis. I give up on witty captions (do you know how many times I have tried to get these pictures uploaded and then had to type something about them?) .

Helmut. Ping-Pong.

We are so hard-core that we also play Table Tennis in Blacklight. That means we are more hardcore than you.
we should go to München. that would be more fun.
it's freezing here... like ice.
Come visit me and I will take you to München, and drag at least one host sib along because I have never been to München either and I don't want to get lost.
Do you know what freezing is? It is literal ice, not "like ice." We have actual ice here.
Love the pictures - can't wait to see the video!!!! Thanks for posting pictures - hope to see a lot more (and maybe a few more with you in them)
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