Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I Have Done Arcane Things to My Hair

Post number 70!

Chronological order is best, so I'll get to the hair thing last. . .
Last night Elke had one of those parties where a salesman comes and tries to, you know, sell things. It was fancy mattresses, and we got a free fancy pillow and fancy blanket out of the deal, and I found out that we are all apparently sleeping on giant mildew colonies if our mattresses are older than 5 years old. Yuck.
Getting up on Tuesday mornings still sucks, even if I woke up so completely at 3 and went to find some Ace (citrus and carrot juice- yummy!) because my cold was really bothering me. The alarm going off 3 and a half hours later of course interrupted a pretty interesting dream in its most fascinating part, and my phone is waaaaay too chipper in the morning. Made it out the door, hoping that wet hair + cold + waiting at bus stop wouldn't make me feel worse- threw on a hat anyway and I still need to get one of those light weight scarves that all the Germans have. Made it through the double block of history (this is never easy) and we discussed Houston in English (I disappointed my teacher by having no actual first-hand knowledge of Houston, or Texas in general) and I painted in art, which I haven't done for years, and I'm not 100% certain the world is enriched by me painting again. . . half-napped on a bench in my free period listening to Fiona Apple, ate pizza in Italian class (I also learned how to talk about people's jobs), had all sorts of adventures on the bus ride home (which took over an hour, by the way). Home at 4:30, it was haircut time! Our hairdresser comes to the house, and, as Elke was getting her hair dyed, we decided that it would be fun for me to get highlights, so I did. And then there was cutting and blow drying and my hair is all different now and I'm glad because I wanted a change. There are already pictures, and I might just decide I love you enough to show them to you.
I only have 2 classes at school tomorrow- 1st and 2nd period English and 10th and 11th period Dance. I would rather be able to sleep in, but going to school for 2 periods and then coming home is awesome, too.

Song of the Day: "Safety Dance" by Men in Hats


Anonymous said...

Just tell me your highlights aren't some strange color!!!! Anxious to see the pictures of your hair and any other pictures you might be able to post!! Hope your cold gets better soon!

Love, Mom

Kari said...

They're blonde, no worries. I covet blue, but I'm not sure I'll still have a place to live if I come home with blue.

My cold is feeling better, but Mr Mattress Man said that the mildew in our beds makes us sick, so maybe I will feel all nasty again in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Do you always eat pizza in Italian class?

Anonymous said...

New haircut, 18 next week, I guess
your all grown up.
You could have impressed your teacher by telling them your dad
visited Houston once. "remember the alamo"!
Love, Dad

Kari said...

We only eat pizza on Tuesdays.

I guess that's a little bit like always.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the mention of Ace evoked lots of memories of Italy. Ace was the juice of choice for most of us. It is soooo good.

Can't wait to see the highlights and the do! A new you...drinking, dyeing, and other dalliances. : )
What can I say? Am I jealous or something?


Kari said...

The point of the fancy mattress is that it is the only mattress in the world that prevents mildew, silly.

And I still prefer chronology (my history class does not, however, which is greatly confusing).

Also, Billy, contests are nice ways to get definitions of words.

Kari said...

Light-weight scarf, Andy. The kind appropriate for wear in September when it is not all freezing out (today's weirdo weather notwithstanding). I promise that your scarf will be getting lots of wear once it gets cold.