Thursday, September 01, 2005

Contests Are Fun!

Well, due to the fact that I am no longer receiving ideas, I am closing off the quest to discover a meaning for pouvre and letting Billy P take the prize with his definition:
'"I'm on my way to being an 80's-style drive-it pouvre" is obviously a pick-up line and means something akin to I write 80's soundtracks to film noir adaptations of Oscar Wilde essays.'
I promise he does not win just for knowing my subconcious so well (I very may well have already dreamt of this film noir adaptation of an Oscar Wilde essay, but that is another story).
Flavors are found here for all of you to drool over.

Of course I want to bring lots of people chocolate bars, so I have a new contest! I have these cute little fishies that live in my handy and I think that they should have names, but I don't know what to call them. There are 2 of them, and best suggestion gets used and wins a Milka bar! They have become very special to me as they keep me company while I wait for the bus, so these names are very important.


Anonymous said...

hey what up!!!!! i think i really want 2 win a chocolate bar so i think that is should be named ....nick,bubbles,goldie,nemo,dory, bruce,crush,merlan. thoes are what i have sooo far what kind of fish r they like describe them 2 me. oh ya and did u like the pic of me and and andy a sleep lol well type back. ill ttyl i miss u and your words and oh ya we r going back to school next week nooooooooooooooooo i dont want to go back. love ya hope 2 hear from you soon

Kari said...

Hi Nick!
I'll get pics of my little handy fishies up as soon as the whole picture thing klapps. . . I swear it'll be soon (big rowing festival fell out this weekend, so maybe the extra time will translate into understanding computers, or maybe Travis will get a phone call and be asked to remember German).

And the sleeping picture is so adorable and is on my wall.

Anonymous said...

The fish should be named after 2
characters from the book "Insomnia",
Clothos and Lachesis.
For they are the ones that spell out the 4 constants of existence:
Life, Death, Random, and purpose.