First off, we have Megan and I strangling Mary- we were Weed Seeds choking the Good Seed in the parable of the sower (this is after we've frozen in position- there was much more emotion in the strangling process).
Then we have two from my "solo-" I did signing on the song "Beautiful City," and apparently it was pretty decent. The first is me signing "see," as in "out of our night of struggle can we see a ray of hope."
And this one is me signing "city" (as in "we can build a beautiful city") while Douglas sings the words.
Also: Raise the Roof tonight was pretty sweet. I was in charge, and had us do just general discussions- first we talked about prayer, and the things that keep us from feeling like our prayers are answered. Then, because TJ and Stephen live for controversy, I had us talk about errors in the Bible. TJ is a staunch believer in the infallibility of the Bible, and I had fun pointing out all the thousands-year-old "typos" and trying to get him to explain them. Stephen, of course, agreed with me and disagreed with TJ. We couldn't get Ally and Travis to talk much. We also talked about what the main purpose of being a Christian is (and I got TJ to accept a belief not his own- he had absolutely no argument against it!) and then we talked about how music can affect our relationship with God, and, briefly, if the Bible should be taught in public school. All in all, it was a great discussion, and I love TJ for always being willing to debate things with me- we're going to tackle the great gay debate soon, and it'll be bloody and messy and so much fun.
Gender: 66% male
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