Sunday, January 25, 2009

A New Semester!

I fixed my Div II, and, hopefully, by the end of the week, I will have a shiny new committee and contract to go with it! I am taking some classes, too!

This is the plan. Things might even go according to plan this time, for the first time ever. But I make no promises.

8:30-10 am Yoga
12:30-1:50 pm Holy Wo/Man at Amherst College
7:30-9:30 pm Islamic Thought at Smith College (which, by the way, means I won't be home until 10:35 eww)
10:30-11:50 am Text, Canon and Tradition at Hampshire College
1:00-2:50 pm Family, Sexuality and Judaism at UMass
12:30-1:50 pm Holy Wo/Man
3:30-6:00 pm Bicycle Maintenance
Just like Tuesday

Now there is a possibility that I am taking a Mon/Wed/Fri morning religion class at either Amherst or UMass instead of that Tues/Thurs morning one at Hampshire. But the guy I want to be on my committee teaches the Hampshire one, so that makes more sense. He teaches another one that conflicts with Bike Maintenance, so I'm trying to avoid that. I wanna learn how to take care of my Gala.

I am affirming that school is good.


Jackson Landers said...

Listen, I've got to know this, so stay with me here. I was a student at Hampshire in the late 1990's and in the basement of Dakin there was a locked door with the word 'Timmers' written on it.

Inside of that room (sneakiness and perseverance got us in) was a bunch of equipment for heating, alarm systems, plumbing, phone equipment and some sort of Simplex timers that were monitoring something or other. Obviously some retarded phys plant employee misspelt 'timers' when he or she was labeling the door.

My question is this: is there still a door in the basement of Dakin marked 'timmers' in small writing? This is a matter that is very dear to me for reasons to complex to bore you with presently.

Many thanks.

Jackson Landers

jack [dot] landers [at]

Kari said...

Oh man if I still lived in Dakin I would go look for this right now. Alas, I have moved to the mods. I will ask my Dakin contacts, however!

Jackson Landers said...

Thank you so much. I just realized that to this day I still automatically refer to any room with machinery or equipment in it as a 'timmers room' (including in my professional capacity). It occurs to me that nobody except possibly other Hampshire alumni have any idea what in the hell I am talking about.

But if the 'timmers' door has been painted over then even that possibility for being understood is out. I cannot stop using the word 'timmers' since it is so useful and much more pleasant to say than 'room with a bunch of equipment and fiber optic cable and water heaters and stuff.'

Kari said...

Well, they did paint a lot of stuff in the basement last year after some graffiti offended some people... but I love the word "timmers." I am going to see if I can start it as a thing, whether the door still exists or not.

Jackson Landers said...

Well, if they did paint over the door then you could just go down there with a sharpie, find a likely looking door, and label it 'timmers.'

If there's anyone working in phys plant still who was there 10 years ago, it will completely blow their mind.