Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tweet Tweet

So I've been kind of failing at traditional blogging, mostly because when I want to sit down and blog, I realize that I need to devote at least an hour to writing these long, entertaining, involved accounts of my life. And that's awesome- I love doing that, but my schedule doesn't always. So I have a new plan! Throughout my day, I'm always getting these little surges of inspiration for amazing things that I want to tell the world about my exciting life. Usually, I put these things into my facebook status or my gtalk or status or some such, but that is silly, and that requires that I sit in front of a computer. Now, in order to be more inclusive, I have switched all of that over to Twitter. If you have no idea what Twitter is, just watch that box over on your left that says Twitter on it, and know that it will update all the friggin' time. If you're already in the Twitter scene (and I am probably the last person on the internet to jump on this here bandwagon), well let's follow each other and keep up to date with our respective minutiae. 'Cause we were already doing it with Facebook status anyway.

Also: (1:33 pm) Sometimes I spend my day reading a book and I want to jot down various things that stand out to me because I'm trying to do more of that. Twitter is a nice place for that, because it wastes less paper than putting it all in my notebook, as much as I love my notebook. So when you're thinking "wow these are a lot of updates that seem to be quotes," you're right. Summer reading season is in full swing now, and that means that most of my life is on hold in favor of books.

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