Friday, January 25, 2008


So remember that exciting premier I hinted at in my last post? It has arrived! Now, before you watch the loverly internet video that you will find below, I should probably explain myself. Sometime last semester, our darling Emma noted that Fphour tends to run itself like a family sitcom. And sometime after that, we realized that it would be really brilliant if we actually made it. And, it being JanTerm, we have some time on our hands (it's not like any of us are taking classes, you see). So what you are about to watch is the first fruits of an intense labor. It's only the tip of the iceberg- we've created back story and universe details that you can't begin to imagine, and have another episode written, a third outlined, and are hoping to shoot both of them this weekend. We expect this thing to last a while, because it entertains us. Hopefully it will also entertain you a little bit.

This version is slightly rough because I insist on putting it up now (and no one else in my production team thinks that's a very good idea), and you might see a prettier version tomorrow or Sunday.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hi there, thanks for stopping by Bring Me Up. I watched this premiere, the editing was good from a video production stand point. =o)