Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In the Quiet of the Railway Station

I am going to Canada tomorrow for the first time ever. I am not wrapping my head around this.

It is far too hot to sleep, so I am going to quickly summarize New York.
-super-awesome road tripping with Nomi, Sonia, and Rokhl. Getting lost on the BQE because it turned into some other road with no warning. Getting directions from a cab driver.
-swanky swanky dinner at Steiner Studios. Apparently they make movies there.
-15 people in an 11-passenger van, lost somewhere in Brooklyn
-tiny tiny hostel
-meeting awesome Yiddishists, and Hasidim, and ex-Hasidim, and an amazing community that almost makes me want to live in New York. But not quite.
-bagels, taxicabs, tenements, terrifying Chinese food (and in such quantities!), the Holocaust, terrible tour guides, so so much walking, subway, challah and cake for dinner, wander a few blocks with Jonah and Sonia, beer and crosswords at Jonah's grandma's apartment until 2:30 am
-Mermaid Parade (i.e. giant giant crowds and people in costumes) at Coney Island
-really good Mexican food
-wandering another neighborhood
-most mind-blowing concert I have seen in a really really long time. The acts: sweet old man from Romania with accordion, pretty decent ska band, crazy crazy performance artists who were very intimate with the audience, Golem! (sexiest klez band ever and as much as I would love them to do Debi's wedding, they are maybe too sexy for a wedding?), Extra Action Marching Band (yes, a marching band) who likes to perform in and among the audience as much as they like the stage, which means that I had a trombone over my head at some point, and I got shoved out of the way by a male cheerleader, and I might have gotten attacked by a spit valve but I hope not
-marching in the Gay Pride parade with Sonia and her father and their synagogue. Gays and Jews in one place! Woo!
-aching feet (see above)
-hot dog from a stand on the street
-crazy subway detours
-crazy adventures to Queens
-crazy road tripping with Nomi and almost but not quite getting lost
-sweet barbecue at a tiny roadside shack
-home and sleep in my own bed

And then I spent two days going to class and I guess we also warehoused it up for like 2 hours yesterday (it was too hot for more) and now we're going to Canada. I am so exhausted, but I can't stop. Other people are getting sick, so I try to keep my energy up to make up for that. Sonia and I are writing the intern show because we're that over-achieving. It will be amazing and full of inside jokes so you won't understand it. You can come if you want, though. Jonah and Marissa are emceeing and they are lovely people.

I am going to try sleeping. My fan is on very high and all my windows are open but that just means bugs. Send help, but not until this weekend.


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