But I'm busy. I shall crunch my schedule from this week for you, and maybe you'll understand.
Monday, 5 Feb:
8:12- roll out of bed, pull on clothing
8:25- meet Katie, walk to RCC (halfway across campus)
10:00- buy breakfast (instant oatmeal) at Bridge
10:15- run back to room, change clothes, grab stuff for class
10:22- hurry all the way across campus to EDH
10:30- Collaboration and Problem Solving (theater design) class
11:54- out of class, walk all the way across campus to SAGA for lunch
12:45ish- return to room, review homework for probability, relax
2:20- leave room, walk halfway across campus to Cole Science
2:23- arrive at class early to snag good seat
2:30- Probability
3:50- Class ends punctually, walk other half of campus to EDH
4:05- Mapping Jewish American Generations starts late
5:28- Mapping Jewish American Generations ends late, hurry across campus to SAGA for dinner in biting cold
6:20- return to room, grab stuff for Yiddish, walk short distance to FPH
6:30- Yiddish
7:58- truncated class ends due to only Debi, Nick and I being there
8:50- walk halfway across campus to Bridge
9:00- meeting about New Orleans trip (spring break, to gut houses and such), adjourned with conclusion that another meeting is needed
10:00- retire to Jack's room, eat pie, do crossword
11:00- Fake News
12:00- return to room, e-mail
12:20- sleep
Tuesday, 6 Feb:
9:04- awakened by phone call from Katie, who has to go to UMass to have her (infected) eye examined
9:43- shower, dress, prepare for class
10:23- hop, skip, jump to ASH
10:30- Child Language
11:59- return to room, wait for phone call update from Katie
1:17- Katie returns from Ordeal
1:22- go to lunch
2:05- walk to library, pick up movie for Jew screening, get crossword puzzle
2:31- read play for theater, crossword, do nothing of intense consequence
6:00- dinner
6:40- relax
6:55- walk to FPH bearing video
7:00- fiddle with projector
7:05- professor talks about television
7:08- begin movie
8:46- movie concludes, fiddle with projector, return to room
8:48- relax, e-mail
9:30- hall meeting
9:40- decide to go to Katie's room
9:45- write paper for Jew class
10:20- hang out
11:00- Fake News
12:11- sleep
Wednesday, 7 Feb8:28- rise and shine, throw on clothing, walk halfway across campus to Aaron's office
8:55- talk to Aaron's secretary, realize that I missed a voicemail saying that he cannot meet with me this morning but would noon be okay, smile pleasantly
9:00- silent scream to empty campus in frozen air
9:09- sit in room, try to make oatmeal via kettle, fail once again
9:51- shower
10:18- walk all the way across campus to EDH
10:30- Collaboration and Problem Solving
11:40- become Sound Designer for class play
12:05- arrive at Aaron's office
12:08- Aaron arrives at Aaron's office, meeting ensues
12:30- leave Aaron's office, call Katie, lunch
1:56- return to room, breathe, print paper for Jew class, let Dulcey use printer
2:12- leave room, walk to library
2:15- post office
2:18- return movie
2:21- arrive at probability, snag good seat
2:30- Probability
3:50- Probability ends punctually, walk to Bridge, buy apple schorle, walk to EDH
4:00- Mapping Jewish American generations
5:22- Jew class ends slightly more punctually, walk across campus to dorm
5:30- SAGA, dinner
6:15- Katie's room, try to squeeze in an episode of Top Design on internet
7:25- walk to FPH
7:30- panel on Iraq war by 3 professors from the 5 colleges
8:15- panelists open to questions of varying skill and interest
9:20- panel ends, walk to library
9:25- arrive at meeting early, snag mediocre seats
9:30- meeting about New Orleans makes a few decisions but not many
9:59- library about to close, meeting adjourns, hurry back to Dakin
10:03- find lounge, begin search for Bravo
10:07- discover that many channels have been deleted from flipping on tv, fix, find Bravo (channel 57)
10:08- watch Top Design, feel complete
11:00- Fake News
12:05- collapse, sleep or something like it
Thursday, 8 Feb9:56- awaken to alarm for first time in days
10:01- shower
10:23- walk to ASH
10:30- Child Language, look at pictures of babies
11:50- walk to SAGA, eat lunch
12:50- return to room
12:54- leave room, walk to Yiddish Book Center
12:59- meet with Nora
1:02- meet Aaron, confirm that I am working for 4 different departments at the same time (somehow)
1:09- meet with Randi, begin training
1:20- begin entering visitor book information into computer
2:30- move from Randi's computer to work-study computer
5:07- receive "where are you" text from Katie
5:13- leave work
5:17- return to room, gather laundry
5:24- begin laundry
5:53- go to SAGA, eat dinner
6:30- return to laundry room
7:59- complete laundry, run upstairs
8:02- commence cookie party with My Name Is Earl
8:30- The Office
8:55- get final load out of dryer
9:00- Scrubs
9:30- 30 Rock
10:00- Anderson Cooper 360 Mourns Anna Nicole Smith
10:30- The Sarah Silverman Show
11:00- Fake News
12:03- return to room, make bed
12:20- commence blogging
1:05- finally sleep