Monday, September 04, 2006

Black Hole Sun

(Yes, I am just clicking on iTunes and making it pick a random song to name my posts. I am feeling uninspired).

Woke up with a sore throat this morning, which is definitely Jack's fault. Glad he made me take my kettle last night cause I needed tea. Two cups in the hour before I left my room, during which I read e-mail and then talked to Jack and Jackson who wandered by, and then realized at 9:33 that I had to meet my orientation group at 9:30, and so I threw clothes on and threw the boys out and went off to find that the group had not left me, and we took a nice big walking tour of campus to figure out where stuff is. Then we took a nice long walk to Flavors, the awesome ice cream place where the cows that produce the milk are literally in the field behind the ice cream stand. It was wonderful. Came back, knitted for a while, met the dean who leads the knitting circle, talked about knitting circle, generally hung out with fingers covered in yarn. Now I am going to go grab Sara and we are going to venture to the post office cause I haven't checked my box yet. As a reminder, here is where you should send me stuff:
Kari Collins
Hampshire College Box 354
Amherst, MA 01002
Please send me things I like mail.

We are pretty sure that we have confirmed the rumors that F2 is the queer hall.

After post office adventures came dinner and then wandering around and some plant-related harassing of Alex by Jack and then Jack by me and then all of us by Alex and probably some other combinations maybe, and then we played cards until it was time for Kate Bornstein's lecture. She was AMAZING. I won't go into details since this is a family blog, but she talked about gender and sex and identity and desire and power and God and gave us all "get out of hell free" cards and was generally one of the most awesome ladies I have ever met, inasmuch as she is a lady. Then we went to watch Velvet Goldmine cause Jack's packages arrived today and that means all his movies are here and we only just finished and I have class at 9 tomorrow, so I think I will sleep.

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