Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Hundred Miles of Bad Road

Guess what? The Maryland Welcome Center has wi-fi! So you get a very very exciting update to say "I'm in Maryland now, on my way to New Jersey, which is a stop along the week-long expedition to Hampshire-land."

Trains are still way better than cars. I'd rather be having a cup of Earl Grey and some chocolate cake than mineral water and a granola bar right now, let me tell you.


KC said...

i'm so excited for you!! hope your trip goes well!

Anonymous said...

so so so jealous. i am weighed down with textbooks and laundry.
you get wireless in the car?
hey, you can get earl grey here! america has it!

Kari said...

Wireless at the rest stop, Mary. Do you know what a rest stop is?

I don't have earl grey in my car, though. Or a waitress who will bring it to me.