So I started to write a summary of my Zwickau adventures, and I swear it will get done eventually, just not. right. now. Because I am going to Paris tomorrow, and school started again this week, and my weekend is summed up in the above picture [although you can't tell from the picture, Piff is wearing Lederhosen], so things are a little crazy now. Not sure when regular word-based blog postings will resume, but there are lots of pictures from Zwickau on the
Butterfly Paper, and you can feel free to leave comments there asking me what stuff is and I will tell you about it, I promise. Otherwise, I have about a million things I need to take care of and very very little Lust.
Also, I set a date to fly back to the US. July 27. It is not moving. It allows me one month before I have to be at Hampshire (August 31). Feel free to write it on your calendars and plan to take me out for smoothies and kosher sandwiches or Mexican food. Or to have a party. I like parties.
kari! can i have a party too??? :) you're coming home with me!
I'm not going to Arkansas, but you may have a party for me within reasonable distance.
Will there be delicious food and perhaps punch?
there is qllways yummw food qt my house::::: always:::: however; i meqn the states:::::zuhause ist; wo mqn willkommen ist: so neih: :p
i know where wou sleep!!!
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