Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Vanilla Smile and a Gorgeous Strawberry Kiss

I was in a super-super good mood on the way to school this morning (the reason doesn't concern you). . . a little girl decided to randomly talk to me, which was cute! She was like "Hi! Are you going to school, too? What school do you go to? I have this game where you have to get the balls to go through the holes, see?" and it was adorable. Ah, the joys of walking past an elementary school every morning.

I wasn't very attentive at school today. Sorry. Highlights:
Herr Schäfer: "5th grade geography, guys. . . Simon. . . I remember your class. . . ."
Simon: "I don't."
Herr Lang: "What's beeping? Does one of you have a car alarm? My bike doesn't."

I am heading off to Pro Christ tonight in Munich, which is, well, I'm not really sure what it is, but I'm going with Nadja and Anja and Iris and Erhard and I'll tell you about it after I've been! But if you're looking for me tonight, I'm there and not here.


Anonymous said...

how are we going to work out the money situation? we need to talk about that.
also, have a great day! haven't spoken to you in FOREVER.
I have family in California. and there are pretties west of the Mississippi. :) like Kansas! corn! sunflowers! Dorothy!!! :)

Anonymous said...