Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ice Age Upon Catastrophic Ice Age

Yes, it's still snowing. No, I'm not dead. Relax.

So, Monday, as you've probably heard, we had a snow day. The immense piles of snow covering Augsburg made people decide that Augsburg couldn't go to school. Aichach went to school, but I wasn't there. Piff stayed home, I stayed home, I doubt the trains even ran. We baked cookies. They are delicious.

Tuesday, I went to school. Now, I was 100% certain I would not make it to first period, and since I have 2nd free, I wanted to sleep an hour later and just take the train that would get me there for 3rd. But no. I got up early and made my way through the snow to the train station, only to discover that the train wasn't coming. I went home, chilled for 15 minutes, and left the house again (at the same time as Piff this time) to see if the next train would come. It did. Got to school, told people my exciting story, went to class. My history teacher, who is certainly in his 50s, said he couldn't remember ever seeing so much snow. Snow in March, yes. So much snow ever, no. The weather itself remained undecided, alternating between amazing blue sky and sunshine and snow that looked like hurricane force rain.

This morning, I got up and discovered the world looking very pretty. Frozen trees, blue sky, sunshine. I almost believed in spring again. Found out I got a 3 on my Bio Ex, which is what I was expecting, really. History: Jakob: "Aww, I wanted to do the project on the women's movement. Can I do the men's movement, them?" I also still get all surprised when Germans don't know things about lobbying, then I remember that it is either illegal or very much frowned upon or both here. How lawmakers know what is up, I have no idea. I think these huge "Ministries" have something to do with it, though. Grabbed lunch at the Berufschule since Johannes wasn't there today (so I didn't have to tutor him), had movie day in German (meaning nap day for me- I mean, the movie was called the Sandman, what do you expect?). . . played calculator games in math, and noted that it started snowing again in English. On my way home, that snow probably accumulated to 5 cm.

I'm sleepy because it's Wednesday. We are painting in art and I would like to paint on paper that does not get all wavy when it is wet, so maybe something that is not paper. Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeay! calculator!!