So this is all of us chilling outside the Dom, on Thursday afternoon, according to my notes. Where am I? See the group of people with their arms around each other on the left? See the red-haired girl in the black coat? That's Emily. If you look close beside her head, you will see my head, very small, my new hair hidden by my hat.

After the above pic, we went on a tour that involved going under the city to see some cool, old Roman ruins. Mostly I spent my time trying to keep Rose distracted from her migraine, and trying not to be terribly bored by our tour guide. We got kicked out of the museum because it was closing, and the lady made us stand outside and listen to the end of her story about some ancient Roman lady marrying her uncle and not getting murdered by her son or something. It was pretty cool to walk through ancient Roman sewers, though, I must admit.
And those are the only pictures of Blair's for which I have fun stories, but it's a good thing Mary sent me a TON. This post will grow as I get time tonight, what with bowling and all.
So we're back to Wednesday, hanging out in front of the Dom waiting for the train to come. This are Mary's pictures, and she is a narcissist. So the one above (Mary in front of a Dom but not the Dom) and those that follow are Mary trying to be prettier than the Dom, and wearing my hat because she was unprepared.
And the Hauptbahnhof, to help you imagine the things that were around me better!
Emily is very good at standing outside of centuries-old uncompleted cathedrals.
Christine is so sexy.
Whitney and Casey look so concerned. You can see my hat behind Whitney's head!
Remember that Australian that I told you we met? And how he gave us his card? Well, Christine took the original, so Mary took a picture.
We finally did make it to Bonn, and Mary and Casey and Emily got seperated from the group at the train station because they are awesome. I wasn't with them, so I don't know that story. I do know that I stayed with the group and told Dustin and whoever about how amazing Bonn is. And we went to the old Rathaus to meet the mayor, which Mary also eventually found. And after we talked to the mayor for a while, he invited us to play mayor for picture-taking purposes. You know Mary was all over that opportunity.
Many of the rest of us milled around and took pictures, including Buster, Dustin, Allyson, Carly, Morgan, Priya, and Kendra.
And then I got interrupted by dinner and Piff's English homework and bowling, and it is now 11 and I had a great night, but I have to get up at 6 tomorrow, so blogging will have to be put off for now. Sorry!
kari! can I steal your blog with the photos? please?
You may have it once you get the rest of your photos uploaded.
Also, I want those videos you made, but I think Casey has them?
casey has them, yes. bug her like crazy!!!
hey, could ya'll send me links to other people's blogs ... i dont have many ... my blog is livejournal.com/~wyldkrd87
and my pics can be found at http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/dustinloflandsmith/my_photos
Christine must be so sexy that her picture won't upload
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