So I woke up and had breakfast and started making my blueberry muffins and then Miri came by and then Petra and then there were just people everywhere and we were cooking and setting up and it was chaotic and awesome. Rather than try to remember details in any decent order, I will simply show you the pictures and tell you about them (which I know is a huge deviation from my usual style, but you'll live through it):
So this is the table before anyone ate at it, and also before we managed to find enough chairs to put around it. If you look closely, you will see how awesome Petra is at putting fake flowers and leaves and candles places in a way that is really pretty to look at.
This is Petra making something or other- maybe it is potato salad? I don't know because we made so many things yesterday, but it looks a bit like potato salad, right?
Those are my blueberry muffins- don't they look great? They tasted very good, too, and were a huge hit with the Germans, who do not actually ever make muffins.
This is Miri showing us the recipe for the pasta salad that we (Miri and I) made- it was a pretty good pasta salad, if I may say so.
This is the pasta salad in progress. Just to prove that we made it ourselves.
This is Miri sitting rather satisfied after having mixed our pasta salad.
This is Jessica (Rosi's granddaughter) mixing the pasta salad. I also promise that it is the last picture about pasta salad.
This is a table full of German cake- don't they look delicious? Rosi's daughter Nicole made them, and I ate them with gusto.
This is Miri putting a cake on a doily, and Rosi maybe showing us how big something is?
I am like a walking H&M advertisement. And that little girl adores me.
Now comes a big huge shift in time to that evening!
Here are Michi and Gustav and Gabi and Rosi sitting all sociably on the couch, probably looking impatient because Norbert isn't back with the bread yet.
It is Petra and Miri and Ulla and a large beer! Somebody must have said something entertaining, because they are all laughing.
Check out this sexy picture of the table. Enjoy my amazing photography. Be so jealous that you did not get to eat at this table.
Look at that buffet- doesn't it look so delicious? And that is hardly everything that we ate.
People immersed in conversation very late at night- here we see Gabi's hair, Hans-Werner, Christina, Martin, and Norbert.
Ulla, Michi, Christoph
Gustav and Rosi checking out the night's pictures
Miri and I are tired but adorable.
Cristoph, Gabi, Hans-Werner, Norbert's shoulder
Of course, we partied into the wee hours of the morning, and then I slept in very very late and hung out around the house and Miri and I went to see Flight Plan, which was a pretty awesome movie (just like Mary said it would be).
Pictures of real people, love it.
But when are we going to see a
current picture of you? With your
blue hair, tattos and piercings?
hi!! i knew you would like it. and also, the pride and prejudice ^^in German^^ is ok, but for me, hard, it'sin high german... i think? someone told me that, so that's why I am not certain. are you dressing up for halloween?^^Mary
ps, your photography is fablulous.. I don't think i've ever seen a 'sexy' table before...
Hochdeutsch is the German that people are supposed to speak- the kind that you would have learned in school had you taken German, the kind that uses proper grammar and doesn't include words like "nix." But you're more than likely learning some sort of mild dialect from the people around you- don't worry, it's not as bad as Bayrisch!
And I am not, at the moment, dressed up for Hallowe'en; I'll have to see if anything develops- there is always the easy "Evil Twin from an Alternate Universe" option if I need a costume in a pinch.
Hey Kari,
Nice pictures. Glad to see you are having fun. Check out the pictures Stephen took at the Harvest festival at church.
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