Friday, August 12, 2005

Denglish Spass

The language of my thoughts is now officially Denglisch, which I guess is a good sign, although the process of translating to type this is terrible. Charlie auf Deutsch= so awesome- they even translated the Oompa Loompa songs and the voices were spot-on and it's so funny to watch it with German people (Jakob was sitting beside me and his occasional comments and gasps of surprise and mild, good-natured offense at the whole Augustus Gloop thing were so funny).
Roomies gave me a little picnic with amazing pastries from the bakery tonight, and we sat and talked until it started to rain (again- I walked/ran to the movies in the rain and at first we were at the wrong cinema and it was pitiful but we had fun) and then we came inside and there was some cute little German boy running around dressed up like a girl and he made us giggle and I took a long overdue shower.

Now the roomies want to sleep and I need to journal and I hope those Betreuers get home soon from their night of drinking (it is Bero's last night, so there is some goodbye partying going on, too) because I need to know what I'm doing tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

hay what up im really missing u :( well it look like u r having a really fun time. thanks 4 da post card.i promis i will send u something soon wett ttyl. llove ya and miss u. im really sad cuz mary is bout 2 go 2 college and going 2 leave me 2 c ya

Kari said...

Andy, I promise I'll comment when I get enough time to do internet things again- lots of people want to use limited computers, though, so I have to be brief and I haven't actually had time to read anyone else's blog- things will settle down into a semblence of normalcy next week, though, what with school starting and all.