Last night, Christoph and I were super-productive and totally have scenes 6-8 all edited together and as pretty as it goes (sometimes "pretty" is a very dubious label). Now if Anja would only finish up her little UFO animation, we could really get some work done. . . *ahem.* Also, we annoyed Basti by being in his room and on his computer, but it was a sibling-rivalry kind of day, anyway.
Did you know that German tv has been obsessed with scientifically/celebrity-anecdotally proving that men and women are different? Somewhere in the middle of flipping channels last night, we stumbled across yet another clip show about the sexes. Sure enough, as the tv said it would be, Christoph was in control of the remote and I was doing most of the talking. So we're keeping up the stereotypes. Also, we watched the world weather on CNN because it is fascinating, even if the dude kept standing in front of Germany. Did you know it snowed in Pakistan? It looked like about as much as we have, but the tv guy was acting like it was a big deal. Maybe Pakistan doesn't get much snow.
The sun came out today, at least briefly. I totally saw sunshine AND patches of blue sky on my walk from Bahnhof to school, and it made me so excited. In general, the snow is pretty much melted from the side walk- even Aichach has the mushy mess to a minimum (I worked pretty hard on that alliteration- appreciate it!). But then I was stuck in a school building all day, so I don't know if the pretty weather held out.
I got to sleep in (until 7!) this morning because I never have a first period on Wednesday, and second period Reli was taking some kind of test that I figured I had no chance on, since it probably did not include a "Draw A Picture of a Bible Story" section, which I would beast. I hope the Sunday School room is still decorated with my artwork, because it was pretty and educational.
My excitement about sleeping in was greatly diminished when I discovered that Christoph had no first period (but did have a second) and was STILL asleep when I left the house to be at school in time for third. This is all kinds of unfair.
Biology today: we made an incest family tree! Seriously, what is up with my Bio curriculum?
History: sometime when I apparently wasn't paying attention, we fought WWI, and it's time to discuss the Weimar Republic, also known as Germany's miserable first attempt at democracy! I feel sort of sorry for Germany, because their first democracy ended so terribly, and also because instead of George Washington, they have Bismarck, who is actually a jerk and set the country up for failure, if I understand things right. Also, I think it's funny (but often useful) that my history teacher announces every time he is abbreviating something on the bored, even obvious things like "D" for "Deutschland."
Art! Yay!
We "ordered" pizza for lunch- something like 13 of us all made requests of Andy and he took two people with him to pick up all the pizzas- it was somehow incredibly entertaining, but you probably had to be there, because there is no way to describe in words the attempt to fit 13 pizza boxes in one classroom-sized trash can (we totally succeeded) or the face people make when they come in the K12 room and discover that it reeks of pizza.
Tassilo told me today that Hooters is coming to Germany. I am excited because their chicken wings are fabulous, and the idea of a German Hooters is hilarious. Too bad it's going to be up north somewhere. I am certain it will spread south, though.
Zimmy and Max and maybe some other people apparently went to both McDonald's and Burger King for lunch (I am guessing BK for food that is halfway edible, and McD's to try to win WM (World Cup) tickets from Monopoly). In any case, they were wearing Burger King crowns (best invention ever) when they returned, and Zimmy had some sort of balloon on a stick from McDonald's that would make the ultimate scepter if he were some sort of Fast Food Emperor.
Math is about the most frustrating thing ever, because I can totally do all the little pieces of the equations like 10 times faster than my classmates, but I can't get the pieces together in the right order. If I figure out a certain piece by making some sort of formula (and I've done this), I have no way of checking myself because I still don't know what I'm doing. Anyone know how to do integral calculus? Want to explain it to me?
Chemistry Moment of the Day: Viktor went to move the overhead so he could see the board. As soon as he touched it, Petzi yelled "He's stealing it!"
The funnier moments of Chemistry related to Frau Collin being very hard of hearing, and do not translate well to text.
It is really terrible to not get home from school until 6:30 pm. There's something kind of cool about walking home from school in the dark, though, in a really twisted way.

Other people seem to like occasionally mentioning their home state in posts. Because I hate to be left out, I guess I'll tell you that the German newspaper today had a blurb about Virginia carrying out the 1000th death sentence since it was made legal again in whatever year that was.
Yep, I've got an awesome state. And it's getting well-represented overseas, too. (Bush AND Kerry were on tv today, but I didn't really pay attention- I think it was this recent Iraq scandal thing?)